
Option module.

Contains a collection of static methods (functions) for operating on options. All functions takes the source as the last curried argument, i.e all functions returns a function that takes the source sequence as the only argument.

Nothing: Option[Any] = Option(none=None)#

Singleton Nothing object.

Since Nothing is a singleton it can be tested e.g using is:
>>> if xs is Nothing:
...     return True
class Option(**kwargs: Any)#

Option class.

static Nothing() Option[_TSource]#

Create a None option.

static Some(value: _TSource) Option[_TSource]#

Create a Some option.

bind(mapper: Callable[[_TSource], Option[_TResult]]) Option[_TResult]#

Bind option.

Applies and returns the result of the mapper if the value is Some. If the value is Nothing then Nothing is returned.


mapper – A function that takes the value of type TSource from an option and transforms it into an option containing a value of type TResult.


An option of the output type of the mapper.

default_value(value: _TSource) _TSource#

Get with default value.

Gets the value of the option if the option is Some, otherwise returns the specified default value.

default_with(getter: Callable[[], _TSource]) _TSource#

Get with default value lazily.

Gets the value of the option if the option is Some, otherwise returns the value produced by the getter

dict() _TSource | None#

Returns a json string representation of the option.

filter(predicate: Callable[[_TSource], bool]) Option[_TSource]#

Filter option.

Returns the input if the predicate evaluates to true, otherwise returns Nothing.

is_none() bool#

Returns true if the option is Nothing.

is_some() bool#

Returns true if the option is not Nothing.

map(mapper: Callable[[_TSource], _TResult]) Option[_TResult]#

Map option.

Applies the mapper to the value if the option is Some, otherwise returns Nothing.

map2(mapper: Callable[[_TSource, _T2], _TResult], other: Option[_T2]) Option[_TResult]#

Map2 option.

Applies the mapper to the values if both options are Some, otherwise returns Nothing.

classmethod of_obj(value: _TSource) Option[_TSource]#

Convert object to an option.

classmethod of_optional(value: _TSource | None) Option[_TSource]#

Convert optional value to an option.

classmethod of_result(result: Result[_TSource, Any]) Option[_TSource]#

Convert result to an option.

or_else(if_none: Option[_TSource]) Option[_TSource]#

Returns option if it is Some, otherwise returns if_one.

or_else_with(if_none: Callable[[], Option[_TSource]]) Option[_TSource]#


Returns option if it is Some, otherwise evaluates the given function and returns the result.

to_list() list[_TSource]#

Convert option to list.

to_optional() _TSource | None#

Convert option to an optional.

to_result(error: _TError) Result[_TSource, _TError]#

Convert option to a result.

to_result_with(error: Callable[[], _TError]) Result[_TSource, _TError]#

Convert option to a result.

to_seq() Seq[_TSource]#

Convert option to sequence.

property value: _TSource#

Returns the value wrapped by the option.

A ValueError is raised if the option is Nothing.

Some(value: _TSource) Option[_TSource]#

Create a Some option.

default_arg(value: Option[_TSource], default_value: _TSource) _TSource#

Specify default argument.

Used to specify a default value for an optional argument in the implementation of a function. Same as default_value, but “uncurried” and with the arguments swapped.

default_with(getter: Callable[[], _TSource]) Callable[[Option[_TSource]], _TSource]#

Get with default value lazily.

Gets the value of the option if the option is Some, otherwise returns the value produced by the getter

of_obj(value: Any) Option[Any]#

Convert object to an option.

Convert a value that could be None into an Option value.


value – The input object.


The result option.

of_optional(value: _TSource | None) Option[_TSource]#

Convert an optional value to an option.


value – The input optional value.


The result option.

or_else(option: Option[_TSource], if_none: Option[_TSource]) Option[_TSource]#

Returns option if it is Some, otherwise returns if_none.

to_optional(value: Option[_TSource]) _TSource | None#

Convert an option value to an optional.


value – The input option value.


The result optional.