
In Python a container is something that contains something. Containers may be sequences, sets or mappings. Thus a collection is an abstraction of “something” that:

  • May contain something

  • Sequences are iterable

  • Collections have a size

We usually talk about generic container types such as List[T], Set[T], Tuple[T,...]. But we can also imagine taking the abstraction to a higher-order making the left side generic as well, e.g Something[T]. What do types of Something have in common?

A something within a something

A container is really just some kind of box that you can pull values out of. Can values be pushed out of a container?


A mapping object maps immutable values to arbitrary objects. There is both Mapping and MutableMapping. The most known mutable mapping is the dict type.


A sequence is an iterable container such as List, Tuple, str, …

Immutable data types#

Immutable data types are important in functional programming. Immutable means that it’s not possible to make any changes after the type have been created. Most data structures in Python are mutable such as List and Dict, but Python also have a few immutable data types:

  • Strings

  • Tuples

  • Iterable

The advantages of immutable data types are:

  • Thread-safe. Multiple threads cannot modify or corrupt the state.

  • Safe to share and reuse

  • Easy to reason about. Reduces the cognitive load

  • Easier to debug

Expression extends Python with a couple of more immutable data types:


A Block is an immutable List type. The implementation is based on the already immutable tuple type but gives it a list feeling and lots of functions and methods to work with it.

from expression.collections import Block

xs = Block.of_seq(range(10))

ys = xs.cons(10)

zs = xs.tail()
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[10, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


The Expression Map module is an immutable Dict type. The implementation is based on map type from F# and uses a balanced binary tree implementation.

from expression.collections import Map

items = dict(a=10, b=20).items()
xs = Map.of_seq(items)

ys = xs.filter(lambda k, v: v>10)
map [("a", 10); ("b", 20)]
map [("b", 20)]

Functions are Containers#

It might not be obvious at first, but functions can also be containers. This is because values might be stored in function closures. That means that a value might be visible in the scope of the function.

A closure is a poor man’s object. An object is a poor man’s closure.

In functional programming we often use function arguments to store values instead of objects

def hat(item):
    def pull():
        return item
    return pull

small_hat = lambda item: lambda pull: item

pull = hat("rabbit")

List out of lambda (LOL)#

We can even create a fully functional list implementation using only functions:

empty_list = None

def prepend(el, lst):
    return lambda selector: selector(el, lst)

def head(lst):
    return lst(lambda h, t: h)

def tail(lst):
    return lst(lambda h, t: t)

def is_empty(lst):
    return (lst == empty_list)
a = prepend("a", prepend("b", empty_list))

assert("a" == head(a))
assert("b" == head(tail(a)))
assert(not is_empty(a))

print("all tests are green!")

LOL (more compact)#

A list can be created using only lambda functions:

empty_list = None
prepend = lambda el, lst: lambda selector: selector(el, lst)
head = lambda lst: lst(lambda h, t: h)
tail = lambda lst: lst(lambda h, t: t)
is_empty = lambda lst: lst is empty_list
a = prepend("a", prepend("b", empty_list))

assert("a" == head(a))
assert("b" == head(tail(a)))
assert(not is_empty(a))

print("all tests are green!")

Pull vs Push#

List, iterables, mappings, strings etc are what we call “pull” collections. This is because we are actively pulling the values out of the collection by calling the next() function on the Iterator.

iterable = [1, 2, 3]
iterator = iter(iterable)  # get iterator

value = next(iterator)

value = next(iterator)

value = next(iterator)

# value = next(iterator)

Push Collections#

A push collection is something that pushes values out of the collection. This can be seen as temporal (push) containers vs spatial (pull) collections. This collection is called an Observable and is the dual (or the opposite) of an Iterable.

An Iterable have getter for getting an Iterator (iter) An Obserable have a setter for setting an Observer (subscribe)

An Iterator have a getter for getting the next value (next) An Observer have a setter for setting the next value (on_next, or send)


  • Iterable is a getter-getter function

  • Observable is a setter-setter function

Let’s try to implement an Observable using only functions:

import sys

def observer(value):
    print(f"got value: {value}")

def infinite():
    def subscribe(obv):
        for x in range(1000):

    return subscribe

def take(count):
    def obs(source):
        def subscribe(obv):
            n = count
            def observer(value):
                nonlocal n
                if n > 0:
                n -= 1

        return subscribe
    return obs

def pipe(arg, *fns):
    for fn in fns:
        arg = fn(arg)
    return arg

observable = pipe(
    infinite(),  # infinite sequence of values
    take(10)     # take the first 10


RxPY is an implementation of Observable and aioreactive project is an implementation of AsyncObservable.